She married at a young age to an older man, possibly because of her father’s death. She escaped Malta’s densely packed harbour area to move to the fishing village of St Julian’s.
She is one of my maternal 3 x great-grandmothers.
My family tree through the ages
She married at a young age to an older man, possibly because of her father’s death. She escaped Malta’s densely packed harbour area to move to the fishing village of St Julian’s.
She is one of my maternal 3 x great-grandmothers.
Paolo was one of the first of my ancestors to be born a British subject in Valletta, Malta.
He is one of my maternal 3 x great-grandfathers.
Girolamo was part of the 19th century migration out of Valletta to the (at the time) calmer village of St Julian’s. He loved Valletta enough to move back later on in life.
Grazia’s age is a matter of mystery since she married in her 30s, and 2 years later claimed to be in her 20s.
She is one of my maternal great-great-grandmothers.
Emilia was part of the slow migration out of the harbour area into the nascent village of St Julian’s in the 19th century. She isRead More
Having moved from the hustle and bustle of Valletta, Salvatore saw St Julian’s grow from a summer village to a town in its own right.
He is one of my maternal great-great-grandfathers.
Paolina lived to the ripe old age of 95, and outlived her husband by almost 40 years.
She is one of my maternal great-grandmothers
Paolo Darmenia worked with the British Forces at their arsenal in Malta. Valletta-born, he lived in St Julians and Sliema.