Hugh III adopted his mother’s family name of de Lusignan since he inherited Cyprus through her family. This marks the beginning of what historians call the second House of Lusignan.
My family tree through the ages
Hugh III adopted his mother’s family name of de Lusignan since he inherited Cyprus through her family. This marks the beginning of what historians call the second House of Lusignan.
Hugh IV became King of Cyprus when his childless uncle died. Unwilling to start a new crusade to fight the Arabs, Hugh was content to deal with the Venetians for a peaceful life.
Janus of Cyprus was a King of Cyprus and the titular King of Armenian Cilicia and Jerusalem. He was born in captivity in Genoa. He is one of my maternal 14 x great-grandfathers.
King Jean, or John, II was King of Cyprus who left an illegitimate heir which caused the reign of Kings of Cyprus to die out at the hands of the Venetians.