She married at a young age to an older man, possibly because of her father’s death. She escaped Malta’s densely packed harbour area to move to the fishing village of St Julian’s.
She is one of my maternal 3 x great-grandmothers.
My family tree through the ages
She married at a young age to an older man, possibly because of her father’s death. She escaped Malta’s densely packed harbour area to move to the fishing village of St Julian’s.
She is one of my maternal 3 x great-grandmothers.
Valletta-born and bred, Teresa lived within the same 0.61 square kilometres for her whole life.
She is one of my maternal great-great-great-grandmothers.
Girolamo was part of the 19th century migration out of Valletta to the (at the time) calmer village of St Julian’s. He loved Valletta enough to move back later on in life.