A male nurse, at a time when this was not as common as it is today, Paolo moved from Sliema to Attard after getting married.

Fondly remembered as Nannu Paul, he was my paternal grandfather.

Paolo was born at 20:301 on Tuesday 18 February 19131 2 in Sliema, Malta1. He was the son of Giuseppe and Susanna, née Xuereb1 2.

Fr Amadeo Bonello2 baptised him the following day at the parish church of Stella Maris2. His parents christened him as Paolo Carmelo Domenico Antonio1, indicating he should be known as Paolo1.


On Thursday 26 November 19363 4, he married Maria née Borg3 4 of Attard, Malta3. They married in the Roman Catholic Church of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, in Sliema, Malta3 2 4. Fr Francis Montebello officiated the wedding3.

Despite the fact that both bride and groom were Borgs, they were not related. Borg is the most common surname in Malta, akin to ‘Smith’ in England.

His younger brother, Emmanuele, was a witness at the wedding3 4.

Together they had 4 children:

  • Joseph
  • Suzanne
  • Henry, known as Eric
  • Wilfred
A photo of the Sacro Cuor parish church - Sliema, Malta
The Sacro Cuor parish church – Sliema, Malta

Notable events

His paternal grandmother, Giovanna, filed his birth with the authorities1. She also helped deliver him1.

This declaration is rare because the state used to record the names of a child’s grandfathers only. Not only does Paul have a grandmother’s name on his certificate, he also has her father’s name. He is one of the few people in Malta with details of 4 generations on his birth certificate, instead of the usual 3.


Paul was a nurse. He became a nurse at least at the age of 23, which is how old he was when he got married5.


He lived in Sliema until marriage and then lived in Attard for the rest of his life.


He died of chronic renal failure6 at 11:456 on Tuesday 30 October 19906 in St Luke’s Hospital, Pieta, Malta6. His family buried him at the Addolorata Cemetery, Paola, Malta6.


  1. Act of birth of Paolo Borg. (1913). Malta Government Public Registry. [online] Available at: www.certifikati.gov.mt [Accessed 28 Aug. 2024][][][][][][][][]
  2. Certificate of Baptism of Paul Borg. Vol. 9, 19 Feb. 1913, p. 95. Baptism Original Records Kept at the Stella Maris parish, Tas-Sliema[][][][][]
  3. Act of marriage of Paul Borg and Mary Borg. (1936). Malta Government Public Registry. [online] Available at: www.certifikati.gov.mt [Accessed 4 Sep. 2024][][][][][][]
  4. Marriage certificate of Paul Borg and Maria Borg. (1936). 2(283), p.149[][][][]
  5. Act of marriage of Paul Borg and Mary Borg. (1936). Malta Government Public Registry. [online] Available at: www.certifikati.gov.mt [Accessed 4 Sep. 2024][]
  6. Act of death of Paul Borg. (1990). Malta Government Public Registry. [online] Available at: www.certifikati.gov.mt [Accessed 4 Sep. 2024][][][][][]

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