Maria Felice fondly remembered as Mamia, is my maternal grandmother.

She was born at 16:00 on Wednesday 18 May 1910 in Hamrun, Malta1. She is the daughter of Giuseppe Felice and Florentina Farrugia Gay1. Her state birth certificate lists her as “Maria”1 but later certificates state her name as “Maria Carmela”.

Her father registered the birth on 25 May 19101 and the civil service recorded it 6 days later1.

A photo of Anthony M Darmenia and Maria Carmela Felice - Balzan, Malta
Anthony M Darmenia and Maria Carmela Felice – Balzan, Malta


On Thursday 25 November 1937 she married 22 year old Anthony Darmenia from St Julians2 3.

The Right Reverend Monsignor Canon Dean Di Albert Pantalleresco conducted the ceremony2 3.

They married in the Oratory of the Assumption of Our Lady Annexed to the Gesu Church in Valletta3.

They registered the marriage on Thursday 02 December 19373. It entered into the state records a week later on Thursday 09 December 19373.

A photo of the road leading to the Balzan Church
The belfry of the Balzan Church

Together Anthony and Maria had seven children:

  • Alfred
  • Margaret
  • Louise
  • Marion
  • Christine
  • Simone
  • Carole

Notable events

After marriage they moved to Balzan, Malta4. I have not yet found any record of when this move happened.

On 27 January 1952, her husband Anthony bore witness at the wedding of Mr Carmel Borg of Sliema, to Miss May Pisani of Floriana5. The ceremony was at Sarria church, Floriana, and the reception was at the Hotel Phoenicia5. I am unaware of any family connection, but since Mr Borg was a chemist, like Anthony, I conclude the two were good friends.


She died at 18:004 on 23 July 19914 at St Luke’s hospital in Pieta, Malta4 of disseminated carcinomas. Her family recorded this with the state on 20 August 1991, which filed the data in the state records on 5 September4.

Her family buried her at the Addolorata cemetery in Marsa, Malta4.


This person is my grandmother.

Get in touch!

Do you have any other information about this person? Would you like to ask me something about my research? I’d love to hear from you!


  1. Act of birth of Maria Felice. (1910) [][][][][]
  2. Extract from the Marriage Records Held in the Collegiate and Parish Church Of St. Paul Shipwrecked – Valletta. (1937). pp.533–534[][]
  3. Act of Marriage of Anthony Mary Darmenia and Mary Carmela Felice; (1937) [][][][][]
  4. Act of Death of Maria Darmenia; (1991) [][][][][][]
  5. Wedding Borg-Pisani. (1952). The Times of Malta, [online] 31 Jan., p.9. Available at:[][]

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