Emmanuele Darmenia was a trader from Valletta, but it’s hard to say what he traded in. Most of the information I have is from official state records.

Emmanuele is one of my maternal great-great-grandfathers.

He was born in Valletta, Malta1, son of Paolo Darmenia1 and Teresa Imbroll1 2.

There is some confusion about his birth date:

  • According to his death certificates he was born in 18383 4.
  • According to the details from his first marriage, he was born in 1842 or 18435.
  • According to both his son’s birth certificate and the details from his second marriage, he was born in 18411 6.

State records only go back to 1863 so I will verify his birth date when I access Church baptismal records.


On Tuesday 27 June 1876 Emmanuele married local hat-maker7 28-year-old Elisa Felice, daughter of Gio Carlo and Fortunata Brincat7. Both of Elisa’s parents were dead at the time of marriage7. They married at the church of Our Lady of the Pillar7, Valletta. Fr Gaetano Tommaso Galea officiated7.

A photo of St James church - Valletta, Malta
St James church – Valletta, Malta

Amusingly, their marriage certificate misspells their place of marriage as “Valletata”.

On Thursday 24 June 1880 Emmanuele married Rosina Grech also from Valletta1 2. The church certificate lists her as Rosaria Grech2.

They married in St James Church on Merchants street in Valletta1. Fr Emmanuel Maria Debono conducted the ceremony1 2.

They registered the marriage on Saturday 10 July 18801. It entered the state records on Tuesday 13 July1.

Emmanuele and Rosina lived in Valletta at least up till 18856. They were living in Cospicua in 19138 and later in Sliema3 but I don’t know when they moved.

Emmanuele and Rosina had the following children:

A photo of the Valletta skyline - Valletta, Malta
The Valletta skyline – Valletta, Malta
  • Paolo6, named after Emmanuele’s father.
  • Giuseppe8.
  • Theresa,
  • Lorenzo
  • Edward
  • Evelyn
  • Carmelo
  • Albert
  • Yvonne

Notable events

In 1876, he described himself as a cabinet maker5, which is the same profession as his father’s.

In 18801 and in 1885, Emmanuele described himself as a Trafficante (EN: Trader) 6.

His death certificate lists him as a Negoziante (EN: shopkeeper) which is another way of saying trader3. It is also possible he downsized from trader to be a shopkeeper later in life.

Either way, since his father was a shopkeeper9 it is also possible he continued the family business.

He died in Sliema3 4, and it is reasonable to conclude he died at home, which makes his address 80, San Strofino Street3 4. This is part of the newly-established parish of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart.


Emmanuele died at 07:30 on Thursday 18 November 19203 4 of arteriosclerosis and senile myocarditis3. He died at Number 80, San Strofino Street3 4.

Unusually, his surname is mis-recorded as ‘Emmanuele Darmanin’ on his state death certificate3 despite being ‘Darmenia’ on all other official documents. His religious death certificate lists him as Darmenia, so this is a clear mistake on the government’s side.

His family registered his death on Tuesday 23 November 19203. It entered the state records on Monday 13 December 19203.

His family buried him at the Addolorata Cemetery in Paola, Malta3 4.


  1. Act of marriage of Emmanuele Darmenia and Rosina Grech. (1880). Malta Government Public Registry. [online] Available at: https://certifikati.gov.mt [Accessed 7 May 2018][][][][][][][][][][]
  2. Church record of marriage of Emmanuele Darmenia and Rosina Grech; 1880-06-24[][][][]
  3. Act of Death of Emmanuele Darmanin; 1920-11-18[][][][][][][][][][][][]
  4. Death certificate. (1920). I(298), p.100[][][][][][]
  5. Act of marriage of Emmanuele Darmenia and Elisa Felice. (1876). Malta Government Public Registry. [online] Available at: www.certifikati.gov.mt [Accessed 28 Aug. 2024][][]
  6. Act of birth of Paolo Darmenia. (n.d.). [online] (4631). Available at: www.certifikati.gov.mt [Accessed 24 Apr. 2018][][][][]
  7. Act of marriage of Emmanuele Darmenia and Elisa Felice. (1876). Malta Government Public Registry. [online] Available at: www.certifikati.gov.mt [Accessed 28 Aug. 2024][][][][][]
  8. Act of Marriage of Paolo and Paolina Darmenia; 1913-12-01[][]
  9. Act of Death of Paolo Darmenia; 1881-02-07[]

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