The coat of arms of the Kings of Jerusalem and Cyprus

King Hugh IV of Cyprus

Hugh IV became King of Cyprus when his childless uncle died. Unwilling to start a new crusade to fight the Arabs, Hugh was content to deal with the Venetians for a peaceful life.

Paola Mazzara

Paola Mazzara was a Sicilian heiress who married Eugene of Lusignan, styled d’Armenia. She is my 11 x great-grandmother.

Eugene d’Armenia

Prince Eugene Matteo of Lusignan styled himself as d’Armenia. He escaped Cyprus for Padua, Naples, then Sicily to avoid the Venetians who were assassinating hisRead More

A painting of King John II of Cyprus

King Jean II of Cyprus

King Jean, or John, II was King of Cyprus who left an illegitimate heir which caused the reign of Kings of Cyprus to die out at the hands of the Venetians.