Anthony Darmenia, known and remembered as Nannu Twanny, was a Maltese pharmacist.

He is my grandfather.

He was born in Sliema, Malta, at 11:00 am on Tuesday 20 April 1915, son of Paolo Darmenia and Paola née Bonnici1 2. They recorded his name as Antonio1 since all Maltese state records were in Italian in those days.

His maternal grandfather Salvatore Bonnici was present at the birth and registered it two days later on Thursday 22 April 19151. The act entered the state registry on Tuesday 27 April 19151.

Eight days later, his parents baptised him in the Roman Catholic parish of Stella Maris2. His paternal grandparents were his godparents2. Reverend Father Amadeo Bonello2 baptised him.


On Thursday 25 November 1937 he married 27 year old Mary Carmela Felice from Hamrun3 4.

A colourised photo of Nannu Twanny
Nannu Twanny (Colourised)

The state certificate lists him as Anthony Mary4 as Malta had anglicised records by then. Church records list his name in Latin as Antonium Maria Darmenia3.

The Right Reverend Monsignor Canon Dean Di Albert Pantalleresco conducted the ceremony3 4.

They married in the Oratory of the Assumption of Our Lady Annexed to the Gesu Church in Valletta4.

They registered the marriage on Thursday 02 December 19374. It entered into the state records a week later on Thursday 09 December 19374.

A photo of Anthony M Darmenia and Maria Carmela Felice - Balzan, Malta
Anthony M Darmenia and Maria Carmela Felice – Balzan, Malta

Together Anthony and Maria had seven children:

  • Alfred
  • Margaret
  • Louise
  • Marion
  • Christine
  • Simone
  • Carole

Notable events

By the time Anthony married in 1937, he declared himself a resident of St Julians4. I have not yet found any record of when this move happened.

After marriage he moved to Balzan, Malta5. I have not yet found any record of when this move happened.

Balzan, Malta

On 10 August 1940, a Mr Darmenia from Balzan donated 2 shillings and sixpence to the “Fighter ‘Plane” fund6. It is unclear if this was Anthony, or his father Paolo, who may have already been living in Balzan by then.

On 27 January 1952, Anthony bore witness at the wedding of Mr Carmel Borg of Sliema, to Miss May Pisani of Floriana7. The ceremony was at Sarria church, Floriana, and the reception was at the Hotel Phoenicia7. I am unaware of any family connection, but since Mr Borg was a fellow chemist, I conclude the two were good friends.

Professional life

Anthony was a dispensing chemist by the age of 224.

He was the District Secretary for Balzan during World War II8 9. He signed notifications carried by the Times informing the public of the following:

  • Tuesday 13 August 1940: A notice to residents of Balzan that air-raid wardens will carry out instructions on how to fit gas masks8.
  • Wednesday 16 October 1940: A demonstration, in Lija, of anti-gas respirator helmets for infants9.
A photo of a World war 2 anti-gas mask for infants
World war 2 anti-gas mask for infants

By September 1943, Anthony was a chemist at the Medical and Health department10. On 28 September 1944, the department appointed Anthony as a Junior pharmacist11. This post carried one year’s probation11. Less than a year later, Malta’s Governor “confirmed Anthony as a Junior Chemist12.

Anthony received a British Council post-graduate scholarship for 1946-1947. Using this scholarship he studied pharmaceutics at the University of London13. He also gained valuable work experience at some of the best hospitals in the UK13.

In December 1948, the government appointed Anthony “Pharmacist and assistant Medical store keeper13. On 6 October 1949, the Medical and Health department appointed Anthony as Chief Pharmacist and Medical storekeeper14. The Times of Malta reported this on 11 January 195014.

The government appointed Anthony to the Medical Board in 195815. In November 1960, he was elected as a member to the Council16

Malta Government Professional Officers’ Association

Anthony was the secretary for the Malta Government Professional Officers Association by 1952. In this role:

  • On 4 December 1952, he penned a letter to the Times of Malta to clarify a point made by Prime Minister George Borg Olivier. In his speech, Borg Olivier suggested the association agreed with the government. Anthony’s letter clarified the association’s position.
  • On 25 May 1954, he co-wrote an article to the Times of Malta to clarify a point raised in that year’s budget speech. The Minister of Finance had suggested professional officers had received a salary increase. Anthony rejected this, noting that no one had17.
  • On 20 July 1954, he penned a letter to the Times of Malta about the government’s treatment of professional officers. Using the statistics office as an example, he expressed the association’s dismay at their treatment.18.
  • On 4 July 1957, he attended a meeting with the Prime Minister at the Auberge d’Aragon19. At this meeting the association presented its desire to discuss wage and salary revisions, in light of the impending redundancies the British government was expected to announce19.
  • On 15 June 1960, he posted a note in the Times of Malta announcing the association’s annual general meeting20. The meeting was held that same day at 17:15 at the Royal University of Malta20. The main item on the agenda was a proposed salary structure which members were expected to decide upon20. Given the importance of this point, Anthony stressed all members should attend the meeting20.

Chamber of Pharmacists

Between 1950 and 1954, Anthony was the President of the Chamber of Pharmacists. (In 1950, the President was a Mr Joseph Vassallo21)

The British Council Logo
  • On Saturday 11 December 1954, he attended a lunch hosted by Mr G Cuschieri at the Royal Hotel in Attard. Anthony appealed to all pharmacists to support each other and their profession and called for the creation of a pharmacy board. The Times of Malta reported this the following Tuesday22.

National association of pensioners

Later in life, Anthony became the president of the National Association of Pensioners23. He represented the association at the first World Assembly on Ageing in Vienna in 198223. At this Assembly, he proposed a United Nations Institute on Ageing in Malta23. The Maltese government adopted this proposal as its own. The United Nations’ Institute opened its doors in Malta on 15 April 198823.


He died in Pietà, Malta at St Luke’s Hospital on Wednesday 08 October 1986 at 07:155 24. He died of cerebral arteriosclerosis5. His family filed this with the state on Thursday 30 October, which recorded his death a day later5.

The logo of the United Nations International Institute on Ageing

His family buried him in the Maria Addolorata cemetery in Marsa, Malta5 24.

In memoriam

At 18:30 on 12 October 2023, his family held a mass at the Balzan parish church in his memory25.


Anthony Darmenia is my grandfather.


  1. Act of Birth of Anthony Darmenia. (1915) [][][][]
  2. Certificate of Baptism. (1915). IX, p.310[][][][]
  3. Extract from the Marriage Records Held in the Collegiate and Parish Church Of St. Paul Shipwrecked – Valletta. (1937). pp.533–534[][][]
  4. Act of Marriage of Anthony Mary Darmenia and Mary Carmela Felice; 1937-11-25[][][][][][][][]
  5. Act of death of Antoine Darmenia; 1986-10-30[][][][][]
  6. “Fighter ‘Plane” fund, Malta; The Times of Malta; 1940-08-10[]
  7. Wedding | Borg – Pisani’; The Times of Malta; 1952-01-31[][]
  8. Notice to Balzan residents; The Times of Malta; 1940-08-13[][]
  9. Anti-gas respirator helmets; The Times of Malta; 1940-10-16[][]
  10. Obituary of Paolo Darmenia; The Times of Malta; 1943-09-13[]
  11. Appointment; The Times of Malta; 1944-09-28[][]
  12. Appointments; The Times of Malta; 1945-09-06[]
  13. Medical appointment; The Times of Malta; 1948-12-15[][][]
  14. Medical and health department; The Times of Malta; 1950-11-01[][]
  15. Medical Board. (1958). The Times of Malta, [online] 30 Jan., p.11. Available at: [Accessed 28 Jul. 2024][]
  16. Medical Council. (1960). The Times of Malta, [online] 11 Sep., p.9. Available at: [Accessed 12 Dec. 2024][]
  17. Professional Officer’s case; Mr Anthony M Darmenia; Dr F Pullicino; The Times of Malta; 1954-05-25[]
  18. Professional officers; Mr Anthony M Darmenia; The Times of Malta; 1954-07-20[]
  19. Staff Associations meet the Prime Minister. (n.d.). The Times of Malta, [online] p.3. Available at: [Accessed 11 Jul. 2024][][]
  20. Malta Government Professional Officers Association. (1960). The Times of Malta, [online] 15 Jun., p.8. Available at: [Accessed 12 Dec. 2024][][][][]
  21. Pharmacists of old; University of Malta; 1985 []
  22. Pharmacists at a luncheon; Times of Malta; 1954-12-14[]
  23. Origins of INIA; Mr Joseph Scicluna; The Sunday Times of Malta; 2002-05-26[][][][]
  24. Death certificate of Antoine Darmenia; Church archives; 1986-10-08[][]
  25. Announcements – October 8, 2023; Times of Malta; 2023-10-08[]

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